Peer reviewed publications
Garcia HT, Lawson T, Benincasa K, Prentice A, Saravanamuttu K, Evans R. Interplay of luminophores and photoinitiators during synthesis of bulk and patterned luminscent photopolymer blends. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2024
Benincasa K, Saravanamuttu K. Hemispherical light capture with a plane-faced, polymer film: the Omnidirectional Waveguide Encoded Lattice (OWEL). ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage. 2024. This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.
Cortes OAH, Benincasa KA, Vaughan K, Morim DR, Blanchard N, Omasta T, Saravanamuttu K. Dynamic, remote-controllable electroactive hydrogel waveguide architectures. ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage. 2024. This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.
Victor V. Yashin, Fariha Mahmood, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu and Anna C. Balazs*. Developing 3D computational models to capture the spatial, temporal and thermal behavior as laser propagate through photo-thermally responsive gels. RSC Applied Interfaces, 2024. (Spotlight Feature)
Morim, D. R. and Saravanamuttu, K*. Building functional 3-D waveguide microstructures with nonlinear waves of light. J. Opt. 2020 (Invited contribution to Roadmap on Holography).
Morim, D. R, Meeks, A, Shastri, A, Tran, A, Shneidman, A. V, Yashin, V, Mahmood, F, Balasz, A. C., Aizenberg, J* and Saravanamuttu, K*. (2020) Opto-chemo-mechanical transduction in photoresponsive gels: switchable self-trapped beams and their remote interactions Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2020, 117, 3953.
Hudson A. D, Bacus C, Whinton M, Brook M.A, Saravanamuttu K*. Single-step generation of flexible, free-standing arrays of multimode cylindrical waveguides. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2019, 21, 1800875
Hudson A. D, Ponte M. R, Mahmood F, Pena Ventura T, Saravanamuttu K*. A soft photoresponsive material that computes with binary strings of light. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 2310
Morim, D. R, Bevern, D, Vargas Baca, I; Saravanamuttu, K*. 3-D Spiraling Self-Trapped Light Beams in Photochemical Systems. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 5957.
Lin, H, Benincasa, K, Fradin, C and Saravanamuttu, K*. Shaping LED beams with Radially Distributed Waveguide Encoded Lattices (RDWELs). Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 7, 1801487.
Lin, H, Biria, S, Chen, F-H, Hosein, I. D.* and Saravanamuttu, K*. Waveguide imprinted slim polymer films: beam steering coatings for solar cells. ACS Photonics 2019, 6, 878
Lin, H, Hosein, I. D, Benincasa, K. and Saravanamuttu, K*. A Slim Polymer Film with a Seamless Panoramic Field of View: The Radially Distributed Waveguide Encoded Lattice (RDWEL). Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 7, 180191
Ponte M. R, Hudson A, Saravanamuttu K*. Self-Organized Lattices of Nonlinear Optochemical Waves in Photopolymerizable Fluids: The Spontaneous Emergence of 3- D Order in a Weakly Correlated System. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 1146.
Biria, S., Morim, D. R., Tsao, F A, Saravanamuttu, K and Hosein, I. D.*, “Coupling nonlinear optical waves to photoreactive and phase-separating soft matter: Current status and perspectives”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 2017, 27:10 (Invited Review in special issue Dissipative structures and irreversibility in nature: Celebrating 100th birth anniversary of Ilya Prigogine (1917–2003))
Basker, D.K.; Saravanamuttu, K*. Spontaneous Formation of Fractal Aggregates of Au Nanoparticles in Epoxy-Siloxane Films and Their Application as Substrates for NIR Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Polymers 2017, 9, 507 (Invited submission to special issue on Photoresponsive Polymers).
I. D. Hosein, H. Lin, M. R. Ponte, D. K. Basker, M. A. Brook and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Waveguide Encoded Lattices (WELs): Slim Polymer Films with Panoramic Fields of View (FOV) and Multiple Imaging Functionality”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1702242. (Featured on Science Trends)
D. K. Basker, O. A. Herrera-Cortes, M. A. Brook and K. Saravanamuttu*. “3-D Nonlinear inscription of complex micro-components (3D NSCRIPT): printing functional dielectric and metallodielectric polymer structures with nonlinear waves of blue LED light”, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2017, 2, 1600236.
D. Morim, I. Vargas-Baca* and K. Saravanamuttu*. "Reversibly Trapping Visible Laser Light through the Catalytic Photo-oxidation of I– by Ru(bpy)32+", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 1585–1589 (2016)
D. K. Basker, M. A. Brook and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Spontaneous Emergence of Nonlinear Light Waves and Self-Inscribed Waveguide Microstructure during the Cationic Polymerization of Epoxides”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 20606–20617 (2015)
J. Guo, J. T. Sheridan* and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Collective dynamics of populations of weakly correlated filaments of incoherent white light”, J. Opt. 15, 035201-0352206 (2013) Featured on journal cover.
K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Optochemical self-organization in a spatially modulated incandescent field: a single-step route to black and bright polymer lattices”, Langmuir 29, 1221-1227 (2013)
M. R. Ponte, R. Welch and K. Saravanamuttu*. “An optochemically self-organized nonlinear waveguide lattice with primitive cubic symmetry”, Opt. Express 4, 4205-4214 (2013)
L. Qiu and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Modulation instability of incandescent light in a photopolymer doped with Ag nanoparticles”, J. Opt. 14, 125202-1-125202-13 (2012)
K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “A black beam borne by an incandescent field self-traps in a photopolymerizing medium”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 14195–14200 (2012) Featured in Chemistry World (RSC); highlighted in Editor’s Choice, Science.
K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Coaxial self-trapping of white and gray regions of an incandescent field: a bright core with a dark cladding” (invited submission), Physics Research International, special issue “Advances in Novel Optical Materials and Devices”,(2012)
A. B. Villafranca and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Diversity and slow dynamics of diffraction rings: a comprehensive study of spatial self-phase modulation in a photopolymer”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 2357-2372 (2012)
K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Optochemical self-organisation of white light in a photopolymerisable gel: a single-step route to intersecting and interleaving 3-D optical and waveguide lattices”, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 12281-12287 (2012)
L. Qiu and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Optical self-trapping in a photopolymer doped with Ag nanoparticles: a single-step route to metallodielectric cylindrical waveguides”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 1085-1093 (2012)
A. B. Villafranca and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Spontaneous and sequential transitions of a Gaussian beam into diffraction rings, single ring and circular array of filaments in a photopolymer”, Opt. Express 19, 15560-15573 (2011)
K. Saravanamuttu*. “Nonlinear light propagation in photopolymers: from self-trapped beams to 3-D optical lattices”, Photons, Technical Review of the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovation, 9, 14-18, (2011)
A. B. Villafranca and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Diffraction rings due to spatial self-phase modulation in a photopolymerizable medium”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11, 125202-125208, (2009)
L. Qiu, J. Franc, A. Rewari, D. Blanc and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Photolytic formation of Ag nanoparticles in oligomeric organosiloxanes: new photolithographic routes to metallodielectric microperiodic structures”, J. Mater. Chem. 19, 373-378, (2009)
J. Zhang and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Nonlinear propagation of incoherent white light in a photopolymerizable medium: evidence of the co-existence and competition between spontaneous pattern formation and self-trapping”. J. Mat. Sci.: Materials in Electronics, 20, S380–S384, (2009)
A. B. Villafranca and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Dynamics of self-trapped coherent beams and the evolution of their modal structure in photopolymerizable media”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 17388–17396, (2008)
K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Interactions of mutually incoherent self-trapped beams of white light in a photopolymerisable medium”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 051111-051113 (2008)
I. B. Burgess, M. Ponte and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Spontaneous formation of 3-D optical and structural lattices from two orthogonal and mutually incoherent beams of white light propagating in a photopolymerisable material”. J. Mater. Chem. 18, 4133–4139 (2008) Journal cover; top ten most- downloaded articles, September 2008.
I. B. Burgess, W. E. Shimmell and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Spontaneous Pattern Formation Due to Modulation Instability of Incoherent White Light in a Photopolymerizable Medium”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 4738–4746 (2007)
J. Zhang and K. Saravanamuttu*. “The Dynamics of Self-Trapped Beams of Incoherent White Light in a Free-Radical Photopolymerizable Medium”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 14913–14923, (2006)
J. Zhang, K. Kasala, A. Rewari and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Self-trapping of spatially and temporally incoherent light in a photochemical system”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 406-407 (2006)
J. Zhang, M. Sakalauskas, K. Kasala and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Self-trapped white light beams and their interactions in a photochemical system”, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 95, 875-877 (2006)
Publications before arriving at McMaster
K. Saravanamuttu+, C. F. Blanford+, D. N. Sharp†, E. R. Dedman†, A. J. Turberfield* and R. G. Denning*. “Sol-Gel Organic-Inorganic Composites for 3-D Holographic Lithography of Photonic Crystals with Submicron Periodicity”, Chem. Mater. 15, 2301-2304 (2003).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu* and Mark. P. Andrews. “Spontaneously ordered sol-gel composites with sub-micron periodicity”, Chem. Mater. 15, 14-16 (2003).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu† and Mark. P. Andrews*. “Visible Laser Self-focusing in Hybrid Glass Planar Waveguides”. Opt. Lett. 27, 1342-1344 (2002).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu† and Mark P. Andrews*. "Laser Tuning Self-focusing Photo-oriented Polymerization". Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 81, 477 (1999).
Daniele Blanc, Serge Pelissier, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu†, S. Iraj Najafi and Mark P. Andrews*. "Self-Processing of Surface Relief Gratings in Photosensitive Hybrid Sol-Gel Glasses". Adv. Mater. 11, 1508-1511 (1999).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu†, Xin M. Du+, S. Iraj Najafi and Mark P.Andrews*. “Photo-induced Structural Relaxation and Densification in Sol-Gel Derived Nanocomposite Thin Films; Implications in Integrated Optics Device Fabrication”. Can. J. Chem. 76, 1717-1729 (1998).
Published Conference Proceedings
I. D. Hosein, H. Lin, M. R. Ponte, D. Basker, K. Saravanamuttu. “Multidirectional 
waveguide arrays in a planar architecture.” Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng, 8983, 89830E (2014).
Ana B. Villafranca† and K. Saravanamuttu*. “Nonlinear forms of laser beam propagation in a photopolymerizable medium”, Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng, 7213, 72130T-72130T-8 (2009).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu†, Mark P. Andrews* and S. Iraj Najafi, “Light-induced Densification and Mechanisms in Hybrid Sol-Gel Glasses for Photonic Devices”. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 3469, 79 (1998).
Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu, Mark P. Andrews* and S. Iraj Najafi “Photosensitivity of Sol-Gel Derived Nano-composites in Optical Device Deposition: An In Situ Spectroscopic Study”. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 3417, (1998).
M. P. Andrews*, K. Saravanamuttu, T. Touam, R. Sara, X. M. Du, S.I. Najafi. “Collateral Densification Associated with the Photoresponse of Hybrid Sol-Gel Glasses for Depositing Bragg Gratings on Ridge waveguides”. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 3282, 50 (1998).
K. Benincasa, T. Lawson, H. Turnstall-Garcia, R. Evans and K. Saravanamuttu, "Luminophore-doped Waveguide Encoded Lattices (LWELs)", Discovery Disclosure submitted to McMaster Industry Liaison Office, 2023
H. Lin, K. Benincasa, I. D. Hosein, C. Fradin, M. A. Brook and K. Saravanamuttu, “Waveguide encoded flexible coatings for spatial modulation and precise control of the inflow and outflow of Light”, Discovery Disclosure submitted to McMaster Industry Liaison Office, 2018
D. R. Morim, A. Shastri, J. Aizenberg, K. Saravanamuttu, “Long-Range, Mutual Control of Self-Trapped Beams in a Photoresponsive Hydrogel”, Discovery Disclosure submitted to McMaster Industry Liaison Office and Harvard Office of Technology Development, 2017
M. A. Brook, D. Basker, C. Bacus, M. Sweetman, A. Hudson, D. Chen, K. Saravanamuttu, “Microstructured light harvesting waveguide arrays”, US provisional patent #61/712482 (2012)
K. Saravanamuttu, M. A. Brook, I. B. Burgess and M. R. Ponte, “Spontaneous recognition, alignment and interconnection between extremely large populations of antiparallel self-trapped light beams and waveguides”, US provisional patent #61/771324 (2012)